Thursday, November 3, 2011

My black lace mock turtleneck top Steve Jobs style!

I was going through the racks of one of the thrift stores I frequent and found this rather interesting lace beige and black mock turtleneck top that reminded me of Apple's Steve Jobs...
and here's the former Apple CEO Steve Jobs in his famous black mock turtleneck shirt...

Steve Jobs may have started out wearing suits and ties but eventually established his own unique style with mock turtleneck shirts worn mostly in black.

Apparently, his favorite brand was St. Croix. St Croix's sales for the mock turtleneck that Jobs favored have also doubled since his passing, with the shirt literally flying off the shelves!

It appears that people are paying their tribute to Steve Jobs by donning the much loved mock turtleneck themselves.

Well, here's my very own tribute to the Apple Computer founder, albeit in lace!

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