Monday, December 13, 2010

A Very Special Introduction...

I’d like to introduce you to a very special personage by the name of Minky. When I first saw him a few years ago, it was love at first sight! I named him after something that Peter Sellers would say as Inspector Clouseau in the Pink Panther. I think he would pronounce the word "monkey" as "minky." Minky was really a therapy monkey while I was recuperating from a work injury… Yes, people thought I was losing it...

…and here he is sitting gingerly, perched on the arm rest of a wingchair, in his element, with his “come hither” look…and here he seems to be beckoning one... “come here and give me a hug!” ;-D {{{Minky}}} you got it, me boyo…
and motioning over to the books, "would you care to join me on the leather ottoman so that we could find a book together?" Good idea Minky... "aaah...I think I'll just sit a spell..." no worries mate... "posture? Who cares about posture? Just kicking back for a bit..." Look at that little paunch...
"would you care to join me in the Boudoir? There's room for two on the chaise..."
no Mel luv, I don't think you're crazy shoving your hand up a beaver who sounds like Michael Caine...knock yourself out, mate!

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